Tuesday, July 12, 2011

In Which We Are Introduced to The Blog Maker

One time, in elementary school, I was in the school cafeteria- sitting at one of those big retangular tables. Elizabeth Brunner (my sometimes enemy until my big sister Amy told her to leave me alone) sat nearby, and said she would give me two dollars for my brownie. And for anyone who remembers what it's like to be a little kid who never got an allowance; the desicion is simple. The thing was that she didn't have the two dollars with her, so she would bring them tomorrow. I willingly, and with my heart full of trust that she would pay me tomorrow, handed her my brownie. The next day came and went, and that's how learned that people can't necessarily be trusted.


Lilly Anne said...

Nice to know. Poor chibi Heidi, ignorant to the cruel ways of others.

So, what are your plans for this blog? I'm following you!

Amy Lauren said...

aww did I really tell her to leave you alone? that's so awesome.. I think I vaguely remember it... ;)

Kelly Renée said...

Awwww, hahaha. Yeah, people sometimes suck. I feel like that has definitely happened to me sometime along the road.

Katie Marie said...

Someday she'll get diabetes and never eat a brownie again. Karma, excellent.

Heidi Rose said...

I like your version of Karma Katie. Even though I don't think it works like that. Unless Karma is really ironic.